Here is a list of the most recent publications you can purchase or download. Please double-click on any tile to download the PDF, and please sign up to receive notifications when we update this catalogue.
Navigating the New Normal (Novel)
Book one - Environmental Rescue
This book is committed to demonstrating to everyone of us our own capacity to transform both our own lives and the planet. How to harness the power of change for all people's benefit.
Sustainable Poverty Eradication
The innovation to forever end exploitation, dependency, dehydration, malnutrition, ignorance and isolation.
Analytical Earth - the data path to poverty erradication
It's possible to forever end forest destruction, resource exploitation, (GHG) production, water waste, power generation and agricultural pollution, fertiliser and pesticide contamination with data!
Life Tree Project Overview
Preserving natural habitats and species, improving the quality of life on the planet through sustainably eradicating poverty
Ecosystem & Biodiversity Protection system
Focused on combining abundant, cost-effective viable technologies innovating new solutions committed to fixing the world's legacy problems