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The Full Story

Life Tree

Building on the Solar Spring and the Food Tree designs, Life Tree fully integrates these technologies into a device that perpetually supplies a family with water, food, energy and communications. It is self-financed by sharing the environmental, climatic and ecological data monitoring real-time changes and alerting the community of imminent threats. This simple self-managed technology can forever eradicate the most extreme forms of poverty everywhere. 



According to the World Bank, about 9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, live in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 a day. These numbers are calculated based on income and a person’s ability to meet basic needs.


Looking beyond income, according to a 2020 U.N. Development report, the number of people experiencing deprivation in health, education, and living standards totals 1.3 billion people in 107 developing countries  are  multidimensionally poor. Included in this categorisation are water poverty, food poverty, energy poverty, housing poverty, health poverty and digital poverty. 

The scale of global poverty has been significantly impacted  by the Russian war in the Ukraine plunging millions of marginal communities into extreme poverty. 

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Life Tree is a portable, fully automated & freely supplied.  Locally providing clean, hygienic water and fresh food, power and communications. All the products come from the renewable resources of air, sunlight and wind. This technology reduces the pressure on finding and changing natural habitat land into farmland and slash and burn subsistence approaches. Directly addressing the stress caused by growing human populations on scarce land, water aquifers, rivers and dams and the associated pollution from packaging and transportation of food, power and water products to remote communities. 


Community power and water are supplied via a photovoltaic energy collector, a vertical wind turbine, and batteries. Pure drinking and irrigation water is collected from the atmsophere via a ultra low power condensor with a hydroscopic coating. 


We optimise resource utilisation and fruit and vegitable production through the innovative integration of four commercially available technologies:  

-    Long-range wireless communications to share 

       environmental data, 

-   a mass-produced computer with an AI learning


-   mineral wool growth medium incorporated into a

       vertical growing tower with plant sensors and a

       drip irrigation system

-   ultrasonic & light parasitic defences to protect the

      vertical growing tower from biological, insect and

      animal attacks. 


Basing our design on bio-mimicry of a tree whilst including a robust, sophisticated automated sensor array like a forest has enhanced the value and productivity of the technology. The towers establish a communication network infrastructure connecting the vertical farms. Sharing environmental and production data - enhancing community income whilst warning of environmental or parasitic threats to the communities they serve.


Tools for Sustainable Earth will use all donations to build Life Tree prototypes. We will continue to validate our lab's proof of concept results in field conditions. Your contribution will bring this revolutionary technology closer to commercial reality - eradicating dehydration, malnutrition and all forms of poverty globally. 

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Multi-modal communication - Life Tree has an integrated Satelite Communications (SatCom), Wide Area Network (WAN), Local Area Network (LAN), WiFi for a local/community area network. and a fibre/cable port for connection to a physical internet point of presence (POP) if available. This facilitates communication to other units within line of sight or low orbit. This free communications infrastructure enables the sending of environmental data, early warning environmental alerts to isolated villages and the delivery of education material / interactive tuition to remote communities. 


100% renewable energy - Powered by a vertical wind turbine and a thin film deployable P.V. solar power collector, the technology has no requirement for additional power sources. A battery array stores any extra power for community use. 


AWG - The Atmospheric Water Generator is the heart of the device, producing a daily average of eight litres of pure fresh drinking water from the air and ten litres of irrigation water for the vertical farm. 


Vertical Floraponic Farm - Floraponics is a novel plant communication technology that allows plants to request changes to their environment - including water, shade/light and temperature. the vertical plant growth structure enables the computer to fulfil these needs accelerating  plant growth, food yields and quality.


A.I. Sensor Array - Like all our other products, Life Tree includes a broad spectrum sensor array collecting environmental, ecological and climate data. This information is transmitted to the cloud in real-time. The Artificial Intelligence unit monitors all aspects of the technologies operation and makes fine adjustments to optimise water, communications and energy production. Communication with other units enables the non-chemical biological defences to be primed for potential regional or airborne parasitic attacks. 


LifeTree Application Suite - Life Tree includes an intuitive graphical interface local dialect application. The focus is to provide educational services and materials, news and information, entertainment, communications, local warnings, market services and an emergency channel.  We have incorporated  a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) concept into our simplified community commodity  trading platform shipped as an integral component of the LifeTree application suite. This is a novel and popular community cooperation concept. DAOs are made up of a collection of individuals and community groups that have a similar objective, beliefs, and a treasury to pay their operations. Blockchain technology is utilised to keep a clear record of LifeTrees operational data and all group actions and trades. Using a token-based voting as part of the governance system, adopting a blockchain's unforgeable ledger was a logical option. To reduce large levels of energy consumption, we have adopted the energy-efficient "proof-of-stake" blockchains to fulfil these purposes. 

Community Solution

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Some innovative solutions can universally disrupt our current 'Fire Age' society.  

Our vision of meeting all humanities needs with renewable resources is probably the greatest of these: 

Sustainably supplying humanity's need for combustion(heat, light and cooking), land (food, grazing and cash crops)

connection, communication and environmentally sourced water.

Whilst simultainiously providing an income for everyone trapped in poverty today

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