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The Full Story

Water for the World

Our primary purpose at Tools for Sustainable Earth is to eradicate poverty. Water Poverty is the most significant risk humanity faces resulting in an estimated two million premature deaths from consuming disease-infected water. Our technology also addresses the second largest source of poverty - energy and digital poverty. Solar Spring sustainably supplies these products and services for free. Sourced from renewable sources, it enables free access to fresh, clean, pure water, power and communications.

We achieve cost neutrality by selling world parametric environmental data collected by the device - a global market worth more than nineteen billion dollars. 



More than one in every ten people on the planet - Seven hundred eighty million people lack access to drinking water.

Women and girls spend an estimated 200 million hours carrying 18kgs of water 10km daily.


Three point six million people die each year from chemical water contamination.  If everyone had clean water, Two billion people would be saved from infection from diarrhoea, dengue and bilharzia.  Polio and Coleria would be eradicated forever without vaccination or intervention. 


Water insecurity is one of the most significant risks to global health and prosperity whilst being intrinsically linked as a critical measure of Earth's environmental decay.


Today humanity has the resources, the technology and the infrastructure to fix this travesty forever.  Allowing this poverty to continue represents the acceptance of every citizen in the developed world agreeing to the genocide of the victims of poverty.

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To protect water quality and quantity. Our proof of concept (POC) Solar Spring provides eight litres of pure drinking water per day, a power source for lighting, and a communications hub to connect all communities worldwide. This free device gives drought stricken communities on every continent unconstrained access to locally supplied fresh, clean filtered water, power and communications.


Vitally by eradicating this one form of poverty - This device represents a step in humanity's social evolution toward sustainability, community health and viability, future prosperity, community autonomy and empowerment. 


Tools for Sustainable Earth will use all donations to build a preproduction prototype to validate our lab's proof of concept results in field conditions, moving the project one step closer to eradicating water scarcity, drought, dehydration and poverty globally. 

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Multi-modal communication - Solar spring has an integrated Sattelite Communications (SatCom), Wide Area Network (WAN), Local Area Network (LAN), and WiFi for a local/community area network. And a fibre/cable port for connection to a physical internet point of presence (POP) if available. This facilitates communication with other units within line of sight or low orbit. This free communications infrastructure enables the sending of environmental data, early warning environmental alerts to isolated villages and the delivery of education material / interactive tuition to remote communities. 


100% renewable energy - Powered by a vertical wind turbine and a thin film deployable P.V. solar power collector, the technology has no requirement for additional power sources. A battery array stores any extra power for community use. 


AWG - The Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) is the device's heart, producing an average of eight litres of pure fresh drinking water from the air daily while using minimal energy. The Condensor captures water using a dual hydrostatic material coating mimicking bird feathers and slightly reducing temperature with thermoelectric cooling technology. Combining both technologies efficiently distils water from the air at a meagre energy cost.


A.I. Sensor Array - Solar Spring includes a broad spectrum sensor array collecting environmental, ecological and climate data. This information is transmitted to the cloud in real-time and sold to finance production, distribution and maintenance costs. The Artificial Intelligence unit monitors all aspects of the technologies operation and makes fine adjustments to optimise water, communications and energy production. 

Some innovative solutions can universally disrupt our current 'Fire Age' society.  

Our vision of meeting all humanities needs with renewable resources is probably the greatest of these: 

Sustainably supplying humanity's need for combustion(heat, light and cooking), land (food, grazing and cash crops)

connection, communication and environmentally sourced water.

Whilst simultainiously providing an income for everyone trapped in poverty today

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